To locate INRAE in Île-de-France

Entree centre

INRAE (INRA) Versailles views & information

To reach INRAE Versailles

The Workshop Sugar allocation in plants IJPB will take place in  the amphitheatre, Building 10, Versailles Campus, Centre INRAE Ile-de-France - Versailles-Grignon,  Route de St-Cyr (RD 10), 78026 VERSAILLES Cedex

By public transports from Paris

Three main stations are located near INRAE Versailles. Time tables on the website ÎledeFrance mobilités

* SAINT-CYR L’ECOLE STATION recommended for off-peack hours (from SNCF Montparnasse station or via RER C)
Continue by foot (15 min walk)
Exit from the station, walk down on stairs to reach the valley through the small wood, then turnn right along the RD10 road toward the direction of Versailles. INRAE will be on the left at 15 min walk from the station.
Map of the path from St Cyr l'Ecole station to INRAE (soon online)
By bus
line 401, station on the car park you crossed.
Tub tickets are valid
Where to buy tickets ?:
in the bus (1 ticket at the time),
at the train stations (book of 10 tickets is cheaper)

Continue by bus (buses every 30 min during peak times)
The bus station is located in front of the station on the other side of the street, line : 40, 401, 11 or 44. 
To reach INRAE Versailles, it takes 10 minutes (tub tickets are valid).
Get down the bus at the station INRA/INRAE.
Buses and Dynamic map of the Phébus lines of Versailles
Tub tickets are valid.
Where to buy tickets ?:
in the bus (1 ticket at the time),
at the train stations (book of 10 tickets is cheaper)
or in shops with the Phébus tag.
Buses lines:
11, 40, 44 and 41

* VERSAILLES-CHANTIERS station (from SNCF Montparnasse station or via RER C)
Continue by bus
See above where to by tickets and bus lines.
Take the bus line 11 (dock G), 40 (dock K) or 44 (dock J).
To reach INRAE Versailles, it takes 15-20 minutes.

By car

From Paris Porte d'Auteuil
Take A13, direction  ROUEN. Take exit 6 SAINT GERMAIN/VERSAILLES. Follow VERSAILLES to the left on D186. Arriving at Place de la Loi, turn right, direction VERSAILLES-CHATEAU. In front of the castle turn left and follow direction SAINT CYR l’ECOLE on D10. INRA will be on the right after 2km.

From Orly Airport
Take the N7 road in the direction of VILLEJUIF, then the A86 express road direction VERSAILLES exit VERSAILLES-CHATEAU, follow the D9, turn left onto D10 road. INRA will be on the right after 3km.

From Roissy C.D.G. Airport
Take the A1 motorway in the direction of PARIS/PORTE DE LA CHAPELLE. Take the PERIPHERIQUE EXTERIEUR in the direction of ROUEN. Take the A13 motorway in the direction of ROUEN. Take exit 6 SAINT-QUENTIN/VERSAILLES. Follow Versailles on the left via D186. At "Place de la Loi", take on the right the direction of VERSAILLES-CHATEAU. Take the roundabout of the "Place d'Armes" and go on D10 road direction SAINT CYR.

Instant Trafic  (Paris-South Ouest)

Map to locate INRAE Versailles: here